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Homerumbo minero tv internacionalImplementation of a Digital Single Window (VUD)
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Implementation of a Digital Single Window (VUD)

Today we will have an interview with Miguel Incháustegui, former Minister of Energy and Mines.
Topic: Implementation of a Digital Single Window (VUD).

Also, we will present the second part of the Perumin 36 special with interviews to outstanding professionals who participated in this mining event:
Topic: Perumin 36 Special – 2nd part.

  • Víctor Gobitz, president of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy.
  • Diego Macera, director of the Central Reserve Bank.
  • Carlos Castro, Manager of Corporate Affairs and Business Development of Minera Las Bambas.
  • Luis Miguel Castilla, former Minister of Economy and Finance.

In our suppliers block we will talk with Paulo Cesar Mogrovejo, commercial manager of S y Z Cominsa.
Topic: Company specialized in the distribution of electrical materials and integral solutions for mining.

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Revista Digital

Edición 163 de Rumbo Minero
Directorio de proveedores  mineros  OnLine Diremin
Noticias Internacionales